Department of Music

Asha Tamirisa to Join Bates College as Assistant Professor of Music

The Department of Music is proud to share the news that Asha Tamirisa, PhD '19 Music & Multimedia Composition (formerly known as Computer Music & Multimedia), has accepted the tenure track position of Assistant Professor of Music at Bates College. Congratulations, Asha!

AshaAbout Asha Tamirisa

Asha Tamirisa works with sound and image and researches media histories. Particular interests include tool-building with both software and hardware, experimental music and film, and intermedia composition/installation. Asha's research integrates media archeological methods with feminist science and technology studies perspectives, looking closely and critically at often forgotten elements and conditions of media. Asha is a founding member of OPENSIGNAL, a group of artists concerned with the state of gender and race in electronic music/art practices.

Learn more about Asha's work at

Photo of Asha by Beatriz Aleman