Salomon Faculty Research Award to support his upcoming portrait album release by the Boston Modern Orchestra Project. The Wriston Fellowship will be presented at the University Award Ceremony on Monday April 30th at 5pm in Pembroke Hall and the Salomon award will be presented at the annual Celebration of Research on April 19th at 4:30pm at the Faculty Club. Congratulations, Professor Nathan!
About the Awards
As Brown University's award guidelines state, "The most prestigious award that Brown offers to junior faculty, the Wriston Fellowship, recognizes the accomplishments of an assistant professor or lecturer who has demonstrated exceptional ability and dedication as a teacher. Consistent with Brown's emphasis on the essential interdependence of teaching and research, the Wriston Fellow should combine excellence in the classroom with outstanding scholarship. Established in 1972 by Thomas J. Watson, Jr., this award recognizes that "creative faculty members are a university's greatest asset, ... that their efforts to improve the quality of education must be recognized and rewarded, ... [and] that effective teaching is possible only when teacher-scholars are given sufficient time to create and to evaluate new teaching methods and courses of instruction." The Fellowship consequently provides a semester of paid leave which is typically taken in advance of the decision about tenure and promotion."
"Designed to recognize excellence in scholarship, the Richard B. Salomon Faculty Research Awards fund exceptional faculty research projects."